Introduction-Mud Sling Edd

Chapter 1 Eds Will Roll

Chapter 2-Getting Better AquaintED

Chapter 4-We've Creat-ED a monster

Chapter 5-Fear And Loathing In Ed Vegas

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Now Playing-Smashing Pumpkins-1979-Daisy n Kev bury the hatchet, and Eddy ain’t exactly breaking out the party hats...

"Man I love this part! Here it comes! Here it comes!" Kevin bit his lip in anticipation.

" Say ello to ma lil fren!" he and Travis screeched in hammy Cuban accents as
Tony Montana kicked the grand door of his office down and sprayed
bullets into the air mercilessly. Daisy gathered up the last of the cheesy popcorn in her hand and licked her fingers.
"Mmm....what I wouldn’t give for a Vegas CattleCut Breakfast Supreme right about now!"looking at the clock as it flashed 4:30am
"A what?" asked Kevin. "What’s that?"
"Only the most succulent finger-licking, tongue-twizzling, mouth-watering, eye-popping, barbecue sauce enriched
utopian fast food meal on the whole putrid planet! I’d only ever feel truly at home here if there was a Southern
Fried Suzy restaurant...but there ain’t, so one can only dream." She sighed. "Southern Fried Suzy won’t come to Peach Creek for little ol’ me...Look, guys.
I’m off to bed for a bit. I’ll see you soon, ni-night!" she yawned as she stretched and made her way towards
the door.

Kevin stepped in front of her and she etched back slightly. Travis turned the other way.
"Hey, C’mon, Daisy! We ain’t watched ClockWork Orange or Cheech n Chong yet, you can’t go to bed now!" he said defiantly.
"Kevin, I’m shattered, I mean, look at me!" she moaned rubbing her eyes.
"I am lookin’..." he said with a flirty smile, then realising what he just said he shook his head briskly.
Daisy stared at him in bewilderment. Then she said with discomfort;

"Look,,,I’m sorry I hit you at the baseball tryouts on Thursday. I was outta line."
Kevin laughed and shrugged his shoulders. Eddy watched them from the crack in the adjacent door, his eyes aflame.
"Ah, no biggie. I guess I was asking for it..." he admitted.
"Finally, something we agree on!" snarled Eddy to himself.
"Well...okay then, g-night!" repeated Daisy, uneasy.

"Hang on, Daisy." Appealed Kevin, grabbing her hand. Travis tried his hardest to look the other way as Kevin moved up to Daisy to kiss her...
"C’mon Travvy-boy! Love or money, you gotta make at least ONE of ‘em, baybee!" squawked Eddy, hauling Travis up
off the couch just as Kevin was about to make his move. He lost his nerve
and pulled his hand away.

"What are you two doing? Waiting for the cows to come home?!? We’ve got work to do!" he jeered at Kevin and Daisy
as he stormed past them. "Bingo! Cupid’s your friend no more, Kev!" he sniggered to himself. Kevin
stomped behind, clenching his fists at his side volcanically.

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